Liz Eden papers, 1973-1986, 1974 (bulk).
Related Entities
There are 6 Entities related to this resource.
Eden, Liz. (person)
On August 22, 1972, John Wojtowicz, Robert Westenberg, and Donald Matterson attempted to rob a Chase Manhattan Bank branch in Brooklyn (N.Y.). They held nine bank employees hostage and demanded money. The money was to enable Wojtowicz's lover Ernest Aron to have a sex change operation. Aron did not know of the planned robbery. Wojtowicz was sentenced to 20 years at the Federal Penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pa. Matterson was killed by FBI agents. Westenberg served 19 months. Aron underwent a series ...
New York (State). Crime Victims Compensation Board (corporateBody)
Warner Brothers (corporateBody)
LaBate, Dean. (person)
Wojtowicz, John. (person)
Barraclough, Richard (person)
Richard Barraclough was a magazine editor for many celebrity focused magazines including Super Teen, High Society, Superstar Special, and HipHop! Magazine. Barraclough's expertise was creating celebrity features with interviews and photographs. From the guide to the Richard Barraclough papers, 1980-1989, (The New York Public Library. Billy Rose Theatre Division.) ...